Nayuruvi – Herbal Cure for Bleeding piles

Plant name : Nayuruvi
“It cures mainly all types of Vatha and Kapha diseases”

Botanical name : Achyranthes aspera
Family : Amaranthaceae
Actions : Diuretic, Astringent, Anti-vatha, Anti-kapha.

Siddha Medicinal Uses :

  1. The decoction prepared from the samoolam of this plant is given for inflammatory condition of the body. It is also a potent diuretic.
  2. The decoction of the roots is helpful to cure abdominal disorders.
  3. The dried powder of the leaves in the dose of 2 to 5 grams is given with honey for diarrhoea.
  4. The dried powder of the roots along with equal amount of Trikadugu choornam is given for cough.
  5. Leaf juice is a helpful remedy given for skin diseases like Prutitis, Scabies etc.
  6. The paste of leaves is applied externally for toxic bites.
  7. Nayuruvi chambal or ash is a good remedy for bleeding piles and abdominal problems.



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