
Nilavembu Kudineer, also called Nilavembu Kashayam, is Siddha Medicine recommended for prevention and management of all types of viral infections/fevers. It acts as immunostimulant and immunomodulator, which boosts immunity and modulates defense response in the body, which helps to protect from infections and their complications. It also plays a protective role in dengue fever and chikungunya. It is very popular medicines among people using Ayurvedaand Siddha Medicine.

It contains herbal ingredients, which have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immunomodulatory actions. This decoction is very useful for all types of fevers regardless the consideration of viral or bacterial infections. Nowadays, it became famous for viral fevers, especially for dengue fever and chikungunya. It reduces symptoms associated with fever, which include – a headache, body aches, muscle aches, loss of energy, fatigue, weakness etc. It is also effective for reducing joint pain, joint swelling, muscle pain, headache and rashes associated with chikungunya infection.

According to ayurveda, the main cause of fever is toxins, which can develop in the body due to either internal or external factors. Nilavembu formulation helps the body to fight off these toxins and naturally increases their elimination.

According to modern studies, Nilavembu formulation has antiviral and antimicrobial action, which helps to prevent and treat viral as well as bacterial infections. It also acts as Shadanga Paniya and exerts soothing action, which reduces discomfort, muscle ache, body ache, joint pain, fatigue, excessive thirst and weakness due to fever. It also improves the feeling of general well-being.

Therapeutic Indications

  1. All diseases with fever as the main symptom
  2. Dengue fever
  3. Chikungunya
  4. Malaria
  5. Chronic fevers
  6. Low-grade fever with feeling of fatigue, weakness and energy loss, body aches and muscle pains
  7. Liver enlargement
  8. Loss of appetite
  9. Anorexia
  10. Fever due to Abscess

Nilavembu Kudineer Benefits & Uses

Nilavembu Kudineer relieves body ache, fatigue, headache, energy loss, joint pain, muscle ache, and inflammation associated with fever or pyrexia. It works in four ways:

  1. Decrease toxin (AMA) accumulation by AMAPACHAK Action
  2. Lowers temperature due to antipyretic action of Andrographis Paniculata and other herbs present in it
  3. Reduces inflammation by anti-inflammatory action of several ingredients in it
  4. Exerts anodyne action and gives relief from body ache and pains

All these actions play a crucial role in the management of all kinds of fevers. In fever, all these actions of Nilavembu Kudineer appear regardless the causative agent. Therefore, whatever the cause of fever, it can be taken for getting relief from the fever and its symptoms. However, the patient may also require other medicines along with Nilavembu Kashayam according to the underlying cause.

Additionally, it also has antiviral and antimicrobial characteristics, which make it suitable medicine for the management of viral fevers, so it is generally recommended for Dengue fever and Chikungunya. It is also helpful in people with malaria and typhoid fever.

Nilavembu Kudineer for Chikungunya

Nilavembu Kudineer is a drug of choice for the management of the Chikungunya. Andrographis Paniculata in this herbal drink formulation is mainly responsible for its action against Chikungunya and pain associated with it. It shows positive results within a few days. The antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Nilavembu Kudineer give relief from fever, joint pain, joint swelling, headache, muscle pain, and rash.

It should be continued until joint pain persists. Patient taking Nilavembu Kudineer feels better within 2 to 3 days and gets about 60 to 95% symptomatic relief within a week. A month therapy with Nilavembu Kashayam is essential to get complete relief from Chikungunya.

Additionally, Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa) and Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)formulations can also be beneficial for getting quick relief.

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